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Class orion.webui.littlelib

A small library of DOM and UI helpers.
Defined in: </shared/eclipse/e4/orion/I201404012230/bundles/org.eclipse.orion.client.ui/web/orion/webui/littlelib.js>.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Field Summary
Field Attributes Field Name and Description
Holds useful keyCode values.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
orion.webui.littlelib.$(selectors, node)
Alias for node.querySelector().
orion.webui.littlelib.$$(selectors, node)
Alias for node.querySelectorAll().
orion.webui.littlelib.$$array(selectors, node)
Identical to orion.webui.littlelib.$$, but returns an Array instead of a NodeList.
orion.webui.littlelib.addAutoDismiss(excludeNodes, dismissFunction)
Adds auto-dismiss functionality to the document.
Removes all children of the given node.
orion.webui.littlelib.processDOMNodes(node, replaceNodes)
Performs substitution of DOM nodes into textContent within the given node and its descendants.
orion.webui.littlelib.processTextNodes(node, messages)
Performs substitution of strings into textContent within the given node and its descendants.
Removes all auto-dismiss nodes which trigger the specified dismiss function.
Cancels the default behavior of an event and stops its propagation.
Class Detail
Field Detail
<static> orion.webui.littlelib.KEY
Holds useful keyCode values.
Method Detail
<static> {Element} orion.webui.littlelib.$(selectors, node)
Alias for node.querySelector().
{String} selectors
Selectors to match on.
{Node} node Optional, Default: document
Node to query under.

<static> {NodeList} orion.webui.littlelib.$$(selectors, node)
Alias for node.querySelectorAll().
{String} selectors
Selectors to match on.
{Node} node Optional, Default: document
Node to query under.

<static> {Element[]} orion.webui.littlelib.$$array(selectors, node)
Identical to orion.webui.littlelib.$$, but returns an Array instead of a NodeList.
{String} selectors
Selectors to match on.
{Node} node Optional, Default: document
Node to query under.

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.addAutoDismiss(excludeNodes, dismissFunction)
Adds auto-dismiss functionality to the document. When a click event occurs whose target is not a descendant of one of the excludeNodes, the dismissFunction is invoked.
{Node[]} excludeNodes
Clicks targeting any descendant of these nodes will not trigger the dismissFunction.
{Function} dismissFunction
The dismiss handler.

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.empty(node)
Removes all children of the given node.
{Node} node

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.processDOMNodes(node, replaceNodes)
Performs substitution of DOM nodes into textContent within the given node and its descendants. An occurrence of ${n} in text content will be replaced by the DOM node replaceNodes[n].

This function is recommended for performing rich-text replacement within a localized string. The use of actual DOM nodes avoids the need for embedded HTML in strings.

{Node} node
The node to perform replacement under.
{Node[]} replaceNodes
The replacement nodes.

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.processTextNodes(node, messages)
Performs substitution of strings into textContent within the given node and its descendants. An occurrence of ${n} in text content will be replaced with the string messages[n].

This function is recommended for binding placeholder text in template-created DOM elements to actual display strings.

{Node} node
The node to perform replacement under.
{String[]} messages
The replacement strings.

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.removeAutoDismiss(dismissFunction)
Removes all auto-dismiss nodes which trigger the specified dismiss function.
{Function} dismissFunction
The dismiss function to look for.

<static> orion.webui.littlelib.stop(event)
Cancels the default behavior of an event and stops its propagation.
{Event} event

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Tue Apr 01 2014 22:58:24 GMT-0400 (EDT)